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KEY: 问题 科学哲学 方法论


“问题”是什么?“问题”不是一个面包,不是一辆汽车,但它确实的存在,有它自己的性质或存在的客观性。我今天把它揪出来研究一下。 先看看《现代汉语词典》的定义:


  1. ①要求回答或解释的题目:这次考试一共有五个~│我想答复一下这一类的~。
  2. ②须要研究讨论并加以解决的矛盾、疑难:思想~│这种药治感冒很解决~。
  3. ③关键;重要之点:重要的~在善于学习。
  4. ④事故或麻烦:那部车床又出~了。


A problem is an obstacle障碍 which makes it difficult to achieve a desired goal, objective or purpose. It refers to a situation, condition, or issue that is yet unresolved. In a broad sense, a problem exists when an individual becomes aware of a significant difference between what actually is and what is desired.



  • “如何能追到那女孩?”
  • “我肚子饿了,有什么东西我吃?”
  • 我的生日是哪一天?
  • 炒青菜应该放多少盐?
  • 1515*34-443=?
  • 怎么样设计交通信号灯才能使用交通流量最大?




  • 上下文: 和问题相关的场景,指一组已经是明确已知的,关于问题的条件的描述。
  • 目标: 指关于构成问题的结论的明确的描述。
  • 障碍: 指问题的正确解决方法不是显而易见的,必须通过一定的思维活动,才能找到答案。




  • 给定(Givens),即一组给予的信息;
  • 目标(Goals),问题要求的或结尾的状态,即关于构成问题的结论描述;
  • 障碍(Obstacles),思维者无法立即找到正确答案,必须通过一定的方式来改变给定状态,逐步达到目标状态。

定义三《数学的发现--对解题的理解、研究的讲授 第一卷》






先一个例子,摘自<<Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing>>

1.1.1 Problems

Some people (including one of the authors) chill bottles or cans of soft drinks or fruit juice by putting them in a freezer for a short while before drinking them. This is a nice way to get an extra-cold drink, but it risks disaster: a drink left too long in the freezer begins to freeze, at which point it starts to expand, ultimately bursting its container and spilling whatever liquid isn't already frozen all over the freezer. People who chill drinks in freezers may thus be interested in knowing the longest time that they can safely leave a drink in the freezer, in other words, the time that gives them the coldest drink with no mess to clean up afterwards. But since neither drinks nor freezers come with the longest safe chilling times stamped on them by the manufacturer, people face the problem of finding those times for themselves. This problem makes an excellent example of the kinds of problems and problem solving that exist in computer science. In particular, it shares two key features with all other problems of interest to computer science.


First, the problem is general enough to appear over and over in slightly different forms, or instances. In particular, different freezers may chill drinks at different speeds, and larger drinks will generally have longer safe chilling times than smaller drinks. Furthermore, there will be some margin of error on chilling times, within which more or less chilling really doesn't matter-for example, chilling a drink for a second more or a second less than planned is unlikely to change it from unacceptably warm to messily frozen. But the exact margin of error varies from one instance of the problem to the next (depending, for example, on how fast the freezer freezes things and how willing the person chilling the drink is to risk freezing it). Different instances of the longest safe chilling time problem are therefore distinguished by how powerful the freezer is, the size of the drink, and what margin of error the drinker will accept. Things that distinguish one problem instance from another are called parameters or inputs to the problem.


Also note that different instances of a problem generally have different answers. For example, the longest safe chilling time for a two-liter bottle in a kitchenette freezer is different from the longest safe chilling time for a half-liter in an commercial deep freeze. It is therefore important to distinguish between an answer to a single instance of a problem and a process that can solve any instance of the problem. It is far more useful to know a process with which to solve a problem whenever it arises than to know the answer to only one instance-as an old proverb puts it, "Give a man a fish and you feed him dinner, but teach him to fish and you feed him for life."

(形式相似的)不同问题实例会有不同的答案,因此,找到一个特定问题实例 的答案和找到解答所有问题实例的过程(也就是解题算法)有很大的差别的。后者具有更大的价值,就像那句古训:授之以鱼不如授之以渔。

The second important feature of any computer science problem is that you can tell whether a potential answer is right or not. For example, if someone tells you that a particular drink can be chilled in a particular freezer for up to 17 minutes, you can easily find out if this is right. Chill the drink for 17 minutes and see if it comes out not quite frozen; then chill a similar container of the same drink for 17 minutes plus the margin of error and see if it starts to freeze. Put another way, a time must meet certain requirements in order to solve a given instance of the problem, and it is possible to say exactly what those requirements are: the drink in question, chilled for that time in the freezer in question, shouldn't quite freeze, whereas the drink in question, chilled for that time plus the margin of error in the freezer in question, would start to freeze. That you need to know what constitutes a correct answer seems like a trivial point, but it bears an important moral nonetheless: before trying to find a process to solve a problem, make sure you understand exactly what answers you will accept.


Not every problem has these two features. Problems that lack one or the other are generally outside the scope of computer science. For example, consider the problem, "In what year did people first walk on the moon?" This problem lacks the first feature of being likely to appear in many different instances. It is so specific that it only has one instance, and so it's easier to just remember that the answer is "1969" than to find a process for finding that answer. As another example, consider the problem, "Should I pay parking fines that I think are unfair?" This problem lacks the second feature of being able to say exactly what makes an answer right. Different people will have different "right" answers to any instance of this problem, depending on their individual notions of fairness, the relative values they place on obeying the law versus challenging unfair actions, etc.



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