在线代码编辑器 Codemirror 的轻量级 React 组件-程序员宅基地

技术标签: ViewUI  python  前端  javascript  

代码编辑器 CodeMirror 的轻量级 React 组件 demo



? 自动根据 mode 配置加载 mode 文件。
? 快速简单的配置 API。


npm install @uiw/react-codemirror --save


import CodeMirror from '@uiw/react-codemirror';
import 'codemirror/keymap/sublime';
import 'codemirror/theme/eclipse.css';

const code = 'const a = 0;';

    keyMap: 'sublime',
    mode: 'jsx',

需要 codemirror 资源,在指定某些语言模式和主题时经常会出现这种情况。 只需设置模式,语言资源就会自动延迟加载。

import CodeMirror from '@uiw/react-codemirror';
import 'codemirror/addon/display/autorefresh';
import 'codemirror/addon/comment/comment';
import 'codemirror/addon/edit/matchbrackets';
import 'codemirror/keymap/sublime';
import 'codemirror/theme/eclipse.css';

const code = 'const a = 0;';

    theme: 'eclipse',
    tabSize: 2,
    keyMap: 'sublime',
    mode: 'jsx',


import CodeMirror from '@uiw/react-codemirror';
import 'codemirror/addon/display/autorefresh';
import 'codemirror/addon/comment/comment';
import 'codemirror/addon/edit/matchbrackets';
import 'codemirror/keymap/sublime';
+ import 'codemirror/theme/monokai.css';

const code = 'const a = 0;';

+    theme: 'monokai',
      keyMap: 'sublime',
      mode: 'jsx',


codemirror options

/** string| The starting value of the editor. Can be a string, or a document object. */
value?: any;

/** string|object. The mode to use. When not given, this will default to the first mode that was loaded.
It may be a string, which either simply names the mode or is a MIME type associated with the mode.
Alternatively, it may be an object containing configuration options for the mode,
with a name property that names the mode (for example {name: "javascript", json: true}). */
mode?: any;

/** The theme to style the editor with. You must make sure the CSS file defining the corresponding .cm-s-[name] styles is loaded.
The default is "default". */
theme?: string;

/** How many spaces a block (whatever that means in the edited language) should be indented. The default is 2. */
indentUnit?: number;

/** Whether to use the context-sensitive indentation that the mode provides (or just indent the same as the line before). Defaults to true. */
smartIndent?: boolean;

/** The width of a tab character. Defaults to 4. */
tabSize?: number;

/** Whether, when indenting, the first N*tabSize spaces should be replaced by N tabs. Default is false. */
indentWithTabs?: boolean;

/** Configures whether the editor should re-indent the current line when a character is typed
that might change its proper indentation (only works if the mode supports indentation). Default is true. */
electricChars?: boolean;

/** Determines whether horizontal cursor movement through right-to-left (Arabic, Hebrew) text
is visual (pressing the left arrow moves the cursor left)
or logical (pressing the left arrow moves to the next lower index in the string, which is visually right in right-to-left text).
The default is false on Windows, and true on other platforms. */
rtlMoveVisually?: boolean;

/** Configures the keymap to use. The default is "default", which is the only keymap defined in codemirror.js itself.
Extra keymaps are found in the keymap directory. See the section on keymaps for more information. */
keyMap?: string;

/** Can be used to specify extra keybindings for the editor, alongside the ones defined by keyMap. Should be either null, or a valid keymap value. */
extraKeys?: any;

/** Whether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines. Defaults to false (scroll). */
lineWrapping?: boolean;

/** Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor. */
lineNumbers?: boolean;

/** At which number to start counting lines. Default is 1. */
firstLineNumber?: number;

/** A function used to format line numbers. The function is passed the line number, and should return a string that will be shown in the gutter. */
lineNumberFormatter?: (line: number) => string;

/** Can be used to add extra gutters (beyond or instead of the line number gutter).
Should be an array of CSS class names, each of which defines a width (and optionally a background),
and which will be used to draw the background of the gutters.
May include the CodeMirror-linenumbers class, in order to explicitly set the position of the line number gutter
(it will default to be to the right of all other gutters). These class names are the keys passed to setGutterMarker. */
gutters?: string[];

/** Provides an option foldGutter, which can be used to create a gutter with markers indicating the blocks that can be folded. */
foldGutter?: boolean;

/** Determines whether the gutter scrolls along with the content horizontally (false)
or whether it stays fixed during horizontal scrolling (true, the default). */
fixedGutter?: boolean;

  * Chooses a scrollbar implementation. The default is "native", showing native scrollbars. The core library also
  * provides the "null" style, which completely hides the scrollbars. Addons can implement additional scrollbar models.
scrollbarStyle?: string;

/** boolean|string. This disables editing of the editor content by the user. If the special value "nocursor" is given (instead of simply true), focusing of the editor is also disallowed. */
readOnly?: any;

/**Whether the cursor should be drawn when a selection is active. Defaults to false. */
showCursorWhenSelecting?: boolean;

/** The maximum number of undo levels that the editor stores. Defaults to 40. */
undoDepth?: number;

/** The period of inactivity (in milliseconds) that will cause a new history event to be started when typing or deleting. Defaults to 500. */
historyEventDelay?: number;

/** The tab index to assign to the editor. If not given, no tab index will be assigned. */
tabindex?: number;

/** Can be used to make CodeMirror focus itself on initialization. Defaults to off.
When fromTextArea is used, and no explicit value is given for this option, it will be set to true when either the source textarea is focused,
or it has an autofocus attribute and no other element is focused. */
autofocus?: boolean;

/** Controls whether drag-and - drop is enabled. On by default. */
dragDrop?: boolean;

/** When given , this will be called when the editor is handling a dragenter , dragover , or drop event.
It will be passed the editor instance and the event object as arguments.
The callback can choose to handle the event itself , in which case it should return true to indicate that CodeMirror should not do anything further. */
onDragEvent?: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, event: Event) => boolean;

/** This provides a rather low - level hook into CodeMirror's key handling.
If provided, this function will be called on every keydown, keyup, and keypress event that CodeMirror captures.
It will be passed two arguments, the editor instance and the key event.
This key event is pretty much the raw key event, except that a stop() method is always added to it.
You could feed it to, for example, jQuery.Event to further normalize it.
This function can inspect the key event, and handle it if it wants to.
It may return true to tell CodeMirror to ignore the event.
Be wary that, on some browsers, stopping a keydown does not stop the keypress from firing, whereas on others it does.
If you respond to an event, you should probably inspect its type property and only do something when it is keydown
(or keypress for actions that need character data). */
onKeyEvent?: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, event: Event) => boolean;

/** Half - period in milliseconds used for cursor blinking. The default blink rate is 530ms. */
cursorBlinkRate?: number;

/** Determines the height of the cursor. Default is 1 , meaning it spans the whole height of the line.
For some fonts (and by some tastes) a smaller height (for example 0.85),
which causes the cursor to not reach all the way to the bottom of the line, looks better */
cursorHeight?: number;

/** Highlighting is done by a pseudo background - thread that will work for workTime milliseconds,
and then use timeout to sleep for workDelay milliseconds.
The defaults are 200 and 300, you can change these options to make the highlighting more or less aggressive. */
workTime?: number;

/** See workTime. */
workDelay?: number;

/** Indicates how quickly CodeMirror should poll its input textarea for changes(when focused).
Most input is captured by events, but some things, like IME input on some browsers, don't generate events that allow CodeMirror to properly detect it.
Thus, it polls. Default is 100 milliseconds. */
pollInterval?: number

/** By default, CodeMirror will combine adjacent tokens into a single span if they have the same class.
This will result in a simpler DOM tree, and thus perform better. With some kinds of styling(such as rounded corners),
this will change the way the document looks. You can set this option to false to disable this behavior. */
flattenSpans?: boolean;

/** When highlighting long lines, in order to stay responsive, the editor will give up and simply style
the rest of the line as plain text when it reaches a certain position. The default is 10000.
You can set this to Infinity to turn off this behavior. */
maxHighlightLength?: number;

/** Specifies the amount of lines that are rendered above and below the part of the document that's currently scrolled into view.
This affects the amount of updates needed when scrolling, and the amount of work that such an update does.
You should usually leave it at its default, 10. Can be set to Infinity to make sure the whole document is always rendered,
and thus the browser's text search works on it. This will have bad effects on performance of big documents. */
viewportMargin?: number;

/** Optional lint configuration to be used in conjunction with CodeMirror's linter addon. */
lint?: boolean | LintOptions;

/** Optional value to be used in conjunction with CodeMirror’s placeholder add-on. */
placeholder?: string;


/** Tells you whether the editor currently has focus. */
hasFocus(): boolean;

/** Used to find the target position for horizontal cursor motion.start is a { line , ch } object,
amount an integer(may be negative), and unit one of the string "char", "column", or "word".
Will return a position that is produced by moving amount times the distance specified by unit.
When visually is true , motion in right - to - left text will be visual rather than logical.
When the motion was clipped by hitting the end or start of the document, the returned value will have a hitSide property set to true. */
findPosH(start: CodeMirror.Position, amount: number, unit: string, visually: boolean): { line: number; ch: number; hitSide?: boolean; };

/** Similar to findPosH , but used for vertical motion.unit may be "line" or "page".
The other arguments and the returned value have the same interpretation as they have in findPosH. */
findPosV(start: CodeMirror.Position, amount: number, unit: string): { line: number; ch: number; hitSide?: boolean; };

/** Returns the start and end of the 'word' (the stretch of letters, whitespace, or punctuation) at the given position. */
findWordAt(pos: CodeMirror.Position): CodeMirror.Range;

/** Change the configuration of the editor. option should the name of an option, and value should be a valid value for that option. */
setOption(option: string, value: any): void;

/** Retrieves the current value of the given option for this editor instance. */
getOption(option: string): any;

/** Attach an additional keymap to the editor.
This is mostly useful for add - ons that need to register some key handlers without trampling on the extraKeys option.
Maps added in this way have a higher precedence than the extraKeys and keyMap options, and between them,
the maps added earlier have a lower precedence than those added later, unless the bottom argument was passed,
in which case they end up below other keymaps added with this method. */
addKeyMap(map: any, bottom?: boolean): void;

/** Disable a keymap added with addKeyMap.Either pass in the keymap object itself , or a string,
which will be compared against the name property of the active keymaps. */
removeKeyMap(map: any): void;

/** Enable a highlighting overlay.This is a stateless mini - mode that can be used to add extra highlighting.
For example, the search add - on uses it to highlight the term that's currently being searched.
mode can be a mode spec or a mode object (an object with a token method). The options parameter is optional. If given, it should be an object.
Currently, only the opaque option is recognized. This defaults to off, but can be given to allow the overlay styling, when not null,
to override the styling of the base mode entirely, instead of the two being applied together. */
addOverlay(mode: any, options?: any): void;

/** Pass this the exact argument passed for the mode parameter to addOverlay to remove an overlay again. */
removeOverlay(mode: any): void;

/** Retrieve the currently active document from an editor. */
getDoc(): CodeMirror.Doc;

/** Attach a new document to the editor. Returns the old document, which is now no longer associated with an editor. */
swapDoc(doc: CodeMirror.Doc): CodeMirror.Doc;

/** Get the content of the current editor document. You can pass it an optional argument to specify the string to be used to separate lines (defaults to "\n"). */
getValue(seperator?: string): string;

/** Set the content of the current editor document. */
setValue(content: string): void;

/** Sets the gutter marker for the given gutter (identified by its CSS class, see the gutters option) to the given value.
Value can be either null, to clear the marker, or a DOM element, to set it. The DOM element will be shown in the specified gutter next to the specified line. */
setGutterMarker(line: any, gutterID: string, value: HTMLElement | null): CodeMirror.LineHandle;

/** Remove all gutter markers in the gutter with the given ID. */
clearGutter(gutterID: string): void;

/** Set a CSS class name for the given line.line can be a number or a line handle.
where determines to which element this class should be applied, can can be one of "text" (the text element, which lies in front of the selection),
"background"(a background element that will be behind the selection),
or "wrap" (the wrapper node that wraps all of the line's elements, including gutter elements).
class should be the name of the class to apply. */
addLineClass(line: any, where: string, _class_: string): CodeMirror.LineHandle;

/** Remove a CSS class from a line.line can be a line handle or number.
where should be one of "text", "background", or "wrap"(see addLineClass).
class can be left off to remove all classes for the specified node, or be a string to remove only a specific class. */
removeLineClass(line: any, where: string, class_?: string): CodeMirror.LineHandle;

/** Compute the line at the given pixel height. mode is the relative element
to use to compute this line, it may be "window", "page" (the default), or "local" */
lineAtHeight(height: number, mode?: CoordsMode): number;

/** Computes the height of the top of a line, in the coordinate system specified by mode, it may be "window",
"page" (the default), or "local". When a line below the bottom of the document is specified, the returned value
is the bottom of the last line in the document. By default, the position of the actual text is returned.
If includeWidgets is true and the line has line widgets, the position above the first line widget is returned. */
heightAtLine(line: any, mode?: CoordsMode, includeWidgets?: boolean): number;

/** Returns the line number, text content, and marker status of the given line, which can be either a number or a line handle. */
lineInfo(line: any): {
    line: any;
    handle: any;
    text: string;
    /** Object mapping gutter IDs to marker elements. */
    gutterMarkers: any;
    textClass: string;
    bgClass: string;
    wrapClass: string;
    /** Array of line widgets attached to this line. */
    widgets: any;

/** Puts node, which should be an absolutely positioned DOM node, into the editor, positioned right below the given { line , ch } position.
When scrollIntoView is true, the editor will ensure that the entire node is visible (if possible).
To remove the widget again, simply use DOM methods (move it somewhere else, or call removeChild on its parent). */
addWidget(pos: CodeMirror.Position, node: HTMLElement, scrollIntoView: boolean): void;

/** Adds a line widget, an element shown below a line, spanning the whole of the editor's width, and moving the lines below it downwards.
line should be either an integer or a line handle, and node should be a DOM node, which will be displayed below the given line.
options, when given, should be an object that configures the behavior of the widget.
Note that the widget node will become a descendant of nodes with CodeMirror-specific CSS classes, and those classes might in some cases affect it. */
addLineWidget(line: any, node: HTMLElement, options?: {
    /** Whether the widget should cover the gutter. */
    coverGutter: boolean;
    /** Whether the widget should stay fixed in the face of horizontal scrolling. */
    noHScroll: boolean;
    /** Causes the widget to be placed above instead of below the text of the line. */
    above: boolean;
    /** When true, will cause the widget to be rendered even if the line it is associated with is hidden. */
    showIfHidden: boolean;
}): CodeMirror.LineWidget;

/** Programatically set the size of the editor (overriding the applicable CSS rules).
width and height height can be either numbers(interpreted as pixels) or CSS units ("100%", for example).
You can pass null for either of them to indicate that that dimension should not be changed. */
setSize(width: any, height: any): void;

/** Scroll the editor to a given(pixel) position.Both arguments may be left as null or undefined to have no effect. */
scrollTo(x?: number | null, y?: number | null): void;

/** Get an { left , top , width , height , clientWidth , clientHeight } object that represents the current scroll position, the size of the scrollable area,
and the size of the visible area(minus scrollbars). */
getScrollInfo(): CodeMirror.ScrollInfo;

/** Scrolls the given element into view. pos is a { line , ch } position, referring to a given character, null, to refer to the cursor.
The margin parameter is optional. When given, it indicates the amount of pixels around the given area that should be made visible as well. */
scrollIntoView(pos: CodeMirror.Position | null, margin?: number): void;

/** Scrolls the given element into view. pos is a { left , top , right , bottom } object, in editor-local coordinates.
The margin parameter is optional. When given, it indicates the amount of pixels around the given area that should be made visible as well. */
scrollIntoView(pos: { left: number; top: number; right: number; bottom: number; }, margin: number): void;

/** Scrolls the given element into view. pos is a { line, ch } object, in editor-local coordinates.
The margin parameter is optional. When given, it indicates the amount of pixels around the given area that should be made visible as well. */
scrollIntoView(pos: { line: number, ch: number }, margin?: number): void;

/** Scrolls the given element into view. pos is a { from, to } object, in editor-local coordinates.
The margin parameter is optional. When given, it indicates the amount of pixels around the given area that should be made visible as well. */
scrollIntoView(pos: { from: CodeMirror.Position, to: CodeMirror.Position }, margin: number): void;

/** Returns an { left , top , bottom } object containing the coordinates of the cursor position.
If mode is "local", they will be relative to the top-left corner of the editable document.
If it is "page" or not given, they are relative to the top-left corner of the page.
where is a boolean indicating whether you want the start(true) or the end(false) of the selection. */
cursorCoords(where: boolean, mode?: CoordsMode): { left: number; top: number; bottom: number; };

/** Returns an { left , top , bottom } object containing the coordinates of the cursor position.
If mode is "local", they will be relative to the top-left corner of the editable document.
If it is "page" or not given, they are relative to the top-left corner of the page.
where specifies the precise position at which you want to measure. */
cursorCoords(where: CodeMirror.Position, mode?: CoordsMode): { left: number; top: number; bottom: number; };

/** Returns the position and dimensions of an arbitrary character. pos should be a { line , ch } object.
If mode is "local", they will be relative to the top-left corner of the editable document.
If it is "page" or not given, they are relative to the top-left corner of the page.
This differs from cursorCoords in that it'll give the size of the whole character,
rather than just the position that the cursor would have when it would sit at that position. */
charCoords(pos: CodeMirror.Position, mode?: CoordsMode): { left: number; right: number; top: number; bottom: number; };

/** Given an { left , top } object , returns the { line , ch } position that corresponds to it.
The optional mode parameter determines relative to what the coordinates are interpreted.
It may be "window", "page" (the default), or "local". */
coordsChar(object: { left: number; top: number; }, mode?: CoordsMode): CodeMirror.Position;

/** Returns the line height of the default font for the editor. */
defaultTextHeight(): number;

/** Returns the pixel width of an 'x' in the default font for the editor.
(Note that for non - monospace fonts , this is mostly useless, and even for monospace fonts, non - ascii characters might have a different width). */
defaultCharWidth(): number;

/** Returns a { from , to } object indicating the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) of the currently rendered part of the document.
In big documents, when most content is scrolled out of view, CodeMirror will only render the visible part, and a margin around it.
See also the viewportChange event. */
getViewport(): { from: number; to: number };

/** If your code does something to change the size of the editor element (window resizes are already listened for), or unhides it,
you should probably follow up by calling this method to ensure CodeMirror is still looking as intended. */
refresh(): void;

/** Retrieves information about the token the current mode found before the given position (a {line, ch} object). */
getTokenAt(pos: CodeMirror.Position, precise?: boolean): Token;

/** This is a (much) cheaper version of getTokenAt useful for when you just need the type of the token at a given position, 
and no other information. Will return null for unstyled tokens, and a string, potentially containing multiple 
space-separated style names, otherwise. */
getTokenTypeAt(pos: CodeMirror.Position): string;

/** This is similar to getTokenAt, but collects all tokens for a given line into an array. */
getLineTokens(line: number, precise?: boolean): Token[];

/** Returns the mode's parser state, if any, at the end of the given line number.
If no line number is given, the state at the end of the document is returned.
This can be useful for storing parsing errors in the state, or getting other kinds of contextual information for a line. */
getStateAfter(line?: number): any;

/** CodeMirror internally buffers changes and only updates its DOM structure after it has finished performing some operation.
If you need to perform a lot of operations on a CodeMirror instance, you can call this method with a function argument.
It will call the function, buffering up all changes, and only doing the expensive update after the function returns.
This can be a lot faster. The return value from this method will be the return value of your function. */
operation<T>(fn: ()=> T): T;

/** Adjust the indentation of the given line.
The second argument (which defaults to "smart") may be one of:
"prev" Base indentation on the indentation of the previous line.
"smart" Use the mode's smart indentation if available, behave like "prev" otherwise.
"add" Increase the indentation of the line by one indent unit.
"subtract" Reduce the indentation of the line. */
indentLine(line: number, dir?: string): void;

/** Tells you whether the editor's content can be edited by the user. */
isReadOnly(): boolean;

/** Runs the command with the given name on the editor. */
execCommand(name: string): void;

/** Give the editor focus. */
focus(): void;

/** Returns the hidden textarea used to read input. */
getInputField(): HTMLTextAreaElement;

/** Returns the DOM node that represents the editor, and controls its size. Remove this from your tree to delete an editor instance. */
getWrapperElement(): HTMLElement;

/** Returns the DOM node that is responsible for the scrolling of the editor. */
getScrollerElement(): HTMLElement;

/** Fetches the DOM node that contains the editor gutters. */
getGutterElement(): HTMLElement;

/** Events are registered with the on method (and removed with the off method).
These are the events that fire on the instance object. The name of the event is followed by the arguments that will be passed to the handler.
The instance argument always refers to the editor instance. */
on(eventName: string, handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;
off(eventName: string, handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;

/** Fires every time the content of the editor is changed. */
on(eventName: 'change', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, change: CodeMirror.EditorChangeLinkedList) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'change', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, change: CodeMirror.EditorChangeLinkedList) => void ): void;

/** Like the "change" event, but batched per operation, passing an
  * array containing all the changes that happened in the operation.
  * This event is fired after the operation finished, and display
  * changes it makes will trigger a new operation. */
on(eventName: 'changes', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, change: CodeMirror.EditorChangeLinkedList[]) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'changes', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, change: CodeMirror.EditorChangeLinkedList[]) => void ): void;

/** This event is fired before a change is applied, and its handler may choose to modify or cancel the change.
The changeObj never has a next property, since this is fired for each individual change, and not batched per operation.
Note: you may not do anything from a "beforeChange" handler that would cause changes to the document or its visualization.
Doing so will, since this handler is called directly from the bowels of the CodeMirror implementation,
probably cause the editor to become corrupted. */
on(eventName: 'beforeChange', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, change: CodeMirror.EditorChangeCancellable) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'beforeChange', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, change: CodeMirror.EditorChangeCancellable) => void ): void;

/** Will be fired when the cursor or selection moves, or any change is made to the editor content. */
on(eventName: 'cursorActivity', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'cursorActivity', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;

/** This event is fired before the selection is moved. Its handler may modify the resulting selection head and anchor.
Handlers for this event have the same restriction as "beforeChange" handlers � they should not do anything to directly update the state of the editor. */
on(eventName: 'beforeSelectionChange', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, selection: { head: CodeMirror.Position; anchor: CodeMirror.Position; }) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'beforeSelectionChange', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, selection: { head: CodeMirror.Position; anchor: CodeMirror.Position; }) => void ): void;

/** Fires whenever the view port of the editor changes (due to scrolling, editing, or any other factor).
The from and to arguments give the new start and end of the viewport. */
on(eventName: 'viewportChange', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, from: number, to: number) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'viewportChange', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, from: number, to: number) => void ): void;

/** Fires when the editor gutter (the line-number area) is clicked. Will pass the editor instance as first argument,
the (zero-based) number of the line that was clicked as second argument, the CSS class of the gutter that was clicked as third argument,
and the raw mousedown event object as fourth argument. */
on(eventName: 'gutterClick', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, line: number, gutter: string, clickEvent: Event) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'gutterClick', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, line: number, gutter: string, clickEvent: Event) => void ): void;

/** Fires whenever the editor is focused. */
on(eventName: 'focus', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'focus', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;

/** Fires whenever the editor is unfocused. */
on(eventName: 'blur', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'blur', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;

/** Fires when the editor is scrolled. */
on(eventName: 'scroll', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'scroll', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;

/** Will be fired whenever CodeMirror updates its DOM display. */
on(eventName: 'update', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'update', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor) => void ): void;

/** Fired whenever a line is (re-)rendered to the DOM. Fired right after the DOM element is built, before it is added to the document.
The handler may mess with the style of the resulting element, or add event handlers, but should not try to change the state of the editor. */
on(eventName: 'renderLine', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, line: CodeMirror.LineHandle, element: HTMLElement) => void ): void;
off(eventName: 'renderLine', handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, line: CodeMirror.LineHandle, element: HTMLElement) => void ): void;

/** Fires when one of the DOM events fires. */
on(eventName: DOMEvent, handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, event: Event) => void ): void;
off(eventName: DOMEvent, handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, event: Event) => void ): void;

/** Expose the state object, so that the Editor.state.completionActive property is reachable*/
state: any;


codemirror events


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JWT(Json Web Token)实现无状态登录_无状态token登录-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读685次。1.1.什么是有状态?有状态服务,即服务端需要记录每次会话的客户端信息,从而识别客户端身份,根据用户身份进行请求的处理,典型的设计如tomcat中的session。例如登录:用户登录后,我们把登录者的信息保存在服务端session中,并且给用户一个cookie值,记录对应的session。然后下次请求,用户携带cookie值来,我们就能识别到对应session,从而找到用户的信息。缺点是什么?服务端保存大量数据,增加服务端压力 服务端保存用户状态,无法进行水平扩展 客户端请求依赖服务.._无状态token登录

SDUT OJ逆置正整数-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读293次。SDUT OnlineJudge#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int a,b,c,d;cin>>a;b=a%10;c=a/10%10;d=a/100%10;int key[3];key[0]=b;key[1]=c;key[2]=d;for(int i = 0;i<3;i++){ if(key[i]!=0) { cout<<key[i.



matlab 提取struct结构体中某个字段所有变量的值_matlab读取struct类型数据中的值-程序员宅基地


Android fragment的用法_android reader fragment-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读4.8k次。1,什么情况下使用fragment通常用来作为一个activity的用户界面的一部分例如, 一个新闻应用可以在屏幕左侧使用一个fragment来展示一个文章的列表,然后在屏幕右侧使用另一个fragment来展示一篇文章 – 2个fragment并排显示在相同的一个activity中,并且每一个fragment拥有它自己的一套生命周期回调方法,并且处理它们自己的用户输_android reader fragment

FFT of waveIn audio signals-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读2.8k次。FFT of waveIn audio signalsBy Aqiruse An article on using the Fast Fourier Transform on audio signals. IntroductionThe Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) allows users to view the spectrum content of _fft of wavein audio signals


Awesome Mac:收集的非常全面好用的Mac应用程序、软件以及工具_awesomemac-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读5.9k次。 这个仓库主要是收集非常好用的Mac应用程序、软件以及工具,主要面向开发者和设计师。有这个想法是因为我最近发了一篇较为火爆的涨粉儿微信公众号文章《工具武装的前端开发工程师》,于是建了这么一个仓库,持续更新作为补充,搜集更多好用的软件工具。请Star、Pull Request或者使劲搓它 issu_awesomemac


文章浏览阅读616次。一.jquery简介 jQuery是一个快速的,简洁的javaScript库,使用户能更方便地处理HTML documents、events、实现动画效果,并且方便地为网站提供AJAX交互 jQuery 的功能概括1、html 的元素选取2、html的元素操作3、html dom遍历和修改4、js特效和动画效果5、css操作6、html事件操作7、ajax_简介java中jquery技术

Ant Design Table换滚动条的样式_ant design ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读1.6w次,点赞5次,收藏19次。我修改的是表格的固定列滚动而产生的滚动条引用Table的组件的css文件中加入下面的样式:.ant-table-body{ &amp;amp;::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 5px; } &amp;amp;::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 5px; -webkit-box..._ant design ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner

javaWeb毕设分享 健身俱乐部会员管理系统【源码+论文】-程序员宅基地



文章浏览阅读1.8k次,点赞2次,收藏15次。同学们,是不是又到了一年一度写开题报告的时候呀?是不是还在为不知道论文的开题报告怎么写而苦恼?Take it easy!我带着倾尽我所有开题报告写作经验总结出来的最强保姆级开题报告解说来啦,一定让你脱胎换骨,顺利拿下开题报告这个高塔,你确定还不赶快点赞收藏学起来吗?_开题报告研究难点

原生JS 与 VUE获取父级、子级、兄弟节点的方法 及一些DOM对象的获取_获取子节点的路径 vue-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读6k次,点赞4次,收藏17次。原生先获取对象var a = document.getElementById("dom");vue先添加ref <div class="" ref="divBox">获取对象let a = this.$refs.divBox获取父、子、兄弟节点方法var b = a.childNodes; 获取a的全部子节点 var c = a.parentNode; 获取a的父节点var d = a.nextSbiling; 获取a的下一个兄弟节点 var e = a.previ_获取子节点的路径 vue